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P.O. Box 931
Southbury CT 06488

Member Towns

                                                               Monroe >
Several comments were addressed to Bob Bowolick, newly appointed commissioner from Southbury, regarding why he had been appointed, what the process was, what was his objective as a commissioner given the negative opinion had had of the LZA at the time of his registration as a patrol driver, how did he become aware of the open position and so on.

Dave Perriello, former Southbury commissioner, read a letter he is sending to Southbury selectman covering his dedicated service as a commissioner and shock that he had been replaced by Southbury (Republican Town Committee) with no notice after 12 years of service.  He stated he had not been contacted by Southbury to advise him that his term was up and he was not aware his term had ended until Bob Barnes contacted him after Bob had received the letter announcing the appointment of Bob Bowolick.

Several comments were made in support of Dave Perrielo.

Secretary’s Report:  Secretary was absent, motion to accept minutes from January meeting was made, seconded and approved with 1 abstention (Bowolick).

Correspondence and News Clippings:  recent article on Candlewood Lake being assigned a full-time DEP patrol officer and proposed limit on boat length for Candlewood

Treasurer’s Report:  accepted unanimously as reported by Glenn Ganz, treasurer.

Water Quality/Grants Report:  Bob Barnes reported that he has not received the contract associated with the grant yet.  Bill May is working on the water quality grant and will reach out to the consultant again.  Bernie Lintzer, former commission and Bob Bowolick will attend the First Light March meeting on invasive weeds and report back to the LZA in April.

Publicity:  no activity

Boats, motors & equipment :  Bob also reported that Oxford will purchase the radar detectors for $2500.

Coast Guard:  no activity

Special Events:  Bob Barnes received a letter from Leaps of Faith changing the 6/26/10 event to 9/25/10 which will be fine – no vote required.  Bob Mouchantat will email LOF to remind them to change the date with DEP so the permit has the proper event date.

Marine Patrol Report:  
Bob Barnes reported he had followed up with Joe Steinfeld to confirm that Joe was not interested in becoming a part-time employee of the LZA to continue to coordinate the marine patrols and act as liaison with the member town police departments.

Dan Semosky, Oxford resident trooper, has told Bob Barnes that he would handle coordinating police officier scheduling with the member towns, act as police department liaison and summarize/report police activity during patrols to the LZA during the season.  

There was much discussion over the draft towing policy.  There is concern over towing since the boats are not properly equipped, patrol personnel are not trained, towing removes the patrol from its main responsibilities for extended periods and does the LZA insurance policy protect the LZA, towns, patrol equipment and personnel and the equipment/persons on board the vessel being towed.  A proposed policy was passed out and commissioners have been asked to be ready to discuss this at the next meeting at which time it is expected a draft policy would go to the four member town police departments for review and comment.

Other Business:

Bob Mouchantat distributed copies of the revised budget voted on at the February meeting including the letter that was sent to the member towns with the revision.  The letter summarized the reduction from $142,720 to $104,620 fiscal year 2011 budget request which was attained through 25% reduction in patrol hours, 46% reduction in invasive weed treatment and 100% reduction in funding of non-recurring expense fund in 2010/2011.

Bob Barnes assigned commissioners to the working committees as follows:
Patrol- Barnes/Mouchantat/Ganz/Kusinski
Boats- Ganz/Barnes/Viola/Jerry
Website- Mouchantat/Wilson/Purcella/Kusinski
Coast Guard – Wilson/Bowolick
Water Quality/Grants- Barnes/May/Bowolick/TBD
Special Events- Mouchantat
Public Relations- Purcella/Wilson/Jerry/May

Glenn Ganz checked and indicated that the statues allow up to 4 commissioners per member town.  Glenn made the motion to petition the towns to have four commissioners.  The motion was seconded by Bob Mouchantat and discussion included that there is much work to be done and the additional commissioners would help the LZA accomplish more.  It also would facilitate better representation of the four towns when an individual commissioner cannot attend a meeting.  This motion was unanimously approved and Bob Barnes will draft a letter to the towns.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. was made and unanimously approved